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60 days of access
Permit to work systems are used as a control measure for high risk work activates when simple human error could lead to death, serious or disabling injuries. For example, failing to isolate machinery before removing guards. In simple terms, it’s a formal process whereby one person, called a Permit Issuer (usually a Manager) issues a Permit to Work (PTW) to a person called a Permit Receiver (Supervisor/Worker) after both parties have checked to ensure the control measures identified by risk assessment are in place and functioning. The Issuer would also supervise the ongoing work to ensure that the permit conditions (control measures) are being followed.
It’s a very simple control measure, that if operated correctly will ensure the safety of anyone who could be harmed by a high risk work activity. It is, however, what we call and administrative control measure, it relies on people to operate what is usually a paper system, comprising of checklists and signatures.
Estimated Time: 30 days
Difficulty: Advanced
Categories: Safety Workshops